




去年中听Ernest说他玩Osim小三 用的还是租来的脚车笑翻后心里就冒起想玩tri的念头。只会蛙泳的我给自己1年学自由式。自由行动拖到真年初才开始。

老朋友大头指导;自由式beri easy, 我小女学了4次就能游200米。自由式#1 用手多过脚。。。手放松张开45度拇指切水,头向下,脚轻踢等等。

照单做,手势勉强还ok啦,头向下- 鼻子进水,头抬后呼吸- 嘴巴喝水,脚轻踢- 沉,再踢再沉,用力踢到肺暴- 脚还是不举。。。

再上山取经,山寨师父说你LP太重去买块浮板夹在大腿 - 有浮板助威,脚举了-游它二三十圈- 没有 problem, problem是浮板一除- tmd又不举了,oi 别想歪哦,令伯是说kar!

寨山不行去华山,华师父说:"初学者还是得在脚下苦功" - 浮板在前,双脚在后,用力踢,使劲踢。。。 踢了一个月,稍有进步,浮板拿掉-脚半举,50米爆胎。。。。。。。





“在宝岛,免雷 F.O.C.”


botak 直指 :看了脚会举的神贴
第一個題目是 - 蛙泳者如何克服自由式踢腳的夢魘
對於習 於蛙泳者,為 何自由式會這麼難以學成? 在習於蛙泳 20 年後, 1986 年我終於學會了自由式,曾經苦思過這個問題. 我的答案是,因為這兩種游泳法用力的方式是南轅北轍,所以習慣蛙泳者學習自由式時障礙重重, 尤其是腳的動作。。。。

谢谢台湾朋友王大哥的神贴 : http://www.taipeimarathon.org.tw/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=7660

我今天去泳池照王大哥所说的方法踢(大腿拉小腿). 哈里路亚! 不用吃药- 举了,太兴奋能举了,双脚终于会举了。

文章發表人 林志南

對了..我不會游泳..我剛要下水..要做 什麼準備...

讓專業的我來回吧 Big%20smile
鼓起勇氣, 下水游吧, Clap





team run2eat SD 2010 Support Stsations FAQs



FAQs for run2eat support stations aka petrol kiosks @ SD 2010

When is SD 2010?
Saturday, 29 May 2010
84km start at 1800hr
42km start at 2359hr

How boring is SD 2010 route?
Super duper BORING!

42km : Changi Aviation Park - Fort Rd - Changi Aviation Park
84km : above Lap X 2


Why are we still running then?
Life is short, run hard to eat more lor!

Is there shuttle service to/from race site?
Two-way Sundown shuttle bus services will be provided to ferry participants from the race site and Pasir Ris Interchange. A fee of $1 per way (payable by EZ-Link or Cash) will be applicable.

Aside from two (2) shuttle service pick-up points, participants are also able to board and alight the Sundown shuttle services at the bus-stops along transport route. (Changi Coast Road, Nicoll Drive, Loyang Avenue and Pasir Ris Drive 1)

Shuttle Service Location: Pasir Ris Interchange
Shuttle Period A
Start Time: 4.30pm - 8.00pm

Shuttle Period B
Start Time: 9.30pm - 12.15am(30 may 2010)

Shuttle Period C
Start Time: 6.00am-8.00am, 30 May 2010

Shuttle Service Location: Race Site (Changi Exhibition Centre)
Shuttle Period A
Start Time: 5.00pm-8.30pm, 29 May 2010

Shuttle Period B
Start Time: 10.00pm - 12.45am 30 May 2010

Shuttle Period C
Start Time: 5.15am-9.30am , 30 May 2010

*Road Closure: Aviation Park Road and Changi Coast Road (From Aviation Park Road till Changi Ferry Road) will be affected from 8.40pm till 10.00pm on 29 May 2010.

How many team run2eat support stations are there?
2 stations

Stations location and the operating hours?
1st station : Petrol Kiosk@42km Aviation Park Road (for ultra runners)

Operating hour :
29th May 10.30pm - 30th May 12.30am
Station master : Philip Kho
Volunteers : Patrick Peng, Eugene Lim, Shirley Tan, Shao Jean, Amanda Lim, Chloe Sim
Camera man : Yu Hong
Volunteers please be at site by 2130hr
This station is mainly for the ultra runners to change their shoes/shirt and refresh before they continue their 2nd lap. To make it easier to locate our petrol kiosk, it will be setup near the official SD pit stop after crossing the 42km line.

How to get to 1st Station@ 42km Aviation Park Road (Race site)
*Road Closure: Aviation Park Road and Changi Coast Road (From Aviation Park Road till Changi Ferry Road) will be affected from 8.40pm till 10.00pm on 29 May 2010.
Aviation Park Road race site have
2000 parking lots.

2nd station : ECP Petrol Kiosk @ 25km/67km (same site as SCSM2009)
It will be 17km/59km milestone before u-turn at Fort Road (21km)

Running track opp Car Park C4 (500m after MacDonald).
Operating hour : 30th May 00.30am - 3.00am
Station master : Doris Lim
Volunteers : Ah Kun, Sam Foong, Vincent Teo, Huang Zhao Ming, Yvonne Yap. Alvin Mun, Sam Khor, Allan Kwek
Camera man :Yu Hong
Volunteers please be there by Saturday night 11.30pm.
This is the station where most action will be. It serve the FM @25km and the ultra@ 67km. For those faster runners, it may be a case of early birds misses the worms:)). If you want the pampering of this station - DON'T RUN SO FAST!!!

How to get to
2nd station @ECP 25km/67km ?

According to SD website, ECP Service road is open, you can park at ECP car park C4 or alternatively at Blk 1 or Blk 2, Marine Terrace and take the over-head bridge leading to CP C4.

Where are the support logistics for 2nd station @ECP 25km/67km?
They will be inside a van which we will park at CP C4 on Saturday afternoon.

What will be inside the van?
Tables, chairs, trolley, run2eat signage
2 cooler boxes
ICE (can buy on race day from 7/11, 500m away from station)
5 cartons @ of water, 100 plus and red bull
5 cartons of Energy Jelly
Power Gel
Bananas, fruits
Chocolate bar, biscuits, bread
Vaseline, Deep Heat Spray, Micro pore Blister tape, Handyplas

When and Who will be our first runner to arrive @ ECP 25km/67km
42km : Ernest Sim ETA 2 am
84km : Freddy Yeoh, ETA 12.30 am

When will the other freddy arrive?
Botak striving to ETA 2.15 am .

When and who will be the last to arrive?

Oi! this also want to ask? pie say leh :))

team run2eat 84km at SD2010
Ah Hoo, Ah Wa, Freddy Yeoh, Calvin Chia, Lee Teck Khing, Chan Ming Tat, Fung Chan Hua, Mohan, Sam Chong, Sim Shao Chong, Lau Shen Lian, Botak Sim

team run2eat 42km @ SD2010

Ernest Sim. Ng Chun Chuan, Tan Heng Yee, Sim Li Bin, Andrew Yong,
Bay Eng Seng, Chan Bing Long, Daniel Ong, Mag Yong Kwang, Roger Lim, Lim Jew Tim,
Soh Geok Kim, William Tay, Jennifer Foo, Hazel Goh,
Lee Teck Seng, Tan Cheng Keat, Chen Yi Feng, Ang Eng Yeow,
Toh Boon Chye, Wong Meng Chiow, Leow Teo Hiang, Lee Whye Kin,
Lim Teck Hoe,Tan Fu Siong,Tan Boon Keng, Ong Mui Kee

Who do we support?
team run2eat will wear a team run2eat bright yellow sticker
We also support all other runners who come to our stations. (especially for deep heat spray)