Dear runner's, please try your best to turn up for our final 8 km easy run cum Race Pack collection/Briefing this Thursday.
Thursday, 4 Dec 2008
8km Easy Run cum Mara Briefing/Race Pack Collection
Briefing 8.30 pm
Run 9 pm.

Our... yours humbly botak
5 days to Marathon.
So you have make all the necessary preparations to ensure top physical form for the marathon but as all marathon's runners know, the mental state is equally crucial to run a good race, especially when you "hit the wall" in your run. Your mind has to be in the best of forms, focus and determined to push forward and complete the race at all cost.
Mental Preparation before the run
- Make sure you are truly motivated to run. Do the mara for yourself, not because others are.
- Acknowledge your fears and nervousness. This is part of the challenge. After you accept them, release them.
- Trained well. Positive mental focus is a good addition to training, never a substitute for it.
- Train with a group of friend for inspiration and support.
- Read up on the subject. A lot of inspiration and advices comes from experienced or champion marathoners and their coached.
Mental Focus in the BIG DAY
Going the full distance in a marathon....You'll need your mind as much as your body to get through. Stay mentally focused during your run.
Use your mind - Even though your body does the work of running, a focused mind can improve your running performance.
Stay relaxed - Do this by self-talk and mental tricks, such as breaking up the distance into smaller segments. eg tell yourself "take it 10km at a time" Focus on each segment separately.
Coach yourself with comments like "relax and flow", "keep it steady"
Use imagination. Visualize yourself running fluently crossing the finishing line and successfully completing the race.
Concentrate - It's OK to let your mind wander at times, but practice bringing it back into here and now. Focus on your pace, your breathing, or the weather. Tell yourself Pain is only temporary, Quitting is forever.
If all else fail, yes you can try singing Frank Sinatra "My Way", And now, the end is near;And so I face the final curtain.My friend, I'll say it clear,I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.I've lived a life that's full.I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;And more, much more than this,I did it my way.
but last year at SCSM07 botak way was to ate it out and spit it out " I wanna that F*$#@&$* Finisher's T even if I have to crawl to the finish line. oh yes, oh yes that's me! i did it my.... way!"
I assure you, it works!!!!!! Guarantee!
May strength and peace be with you on the big day.
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