6 days after Bejing ma, we were insane to do NF100, Singapore’s toughest and longest run.

NF100, TOUGH, Gruesome are just too mild to describe this son of a B%$#*&^% course, if the 3km loop at Bt Timah nature reserve didn’t dent you, the 9km merry-go-round at Lorong Asmara Hill 265 will guarantee to made you go nut like monkey. There were a lot of monkeys along the route and I saw one HUGE one (must have weight 60-70kg) @ 29km Lorong Asmara.
The 100km solo runners (2 laps X 50km), they are not
人! They are
Botak will lobby in 2010 to rename
NF100 Singapore’s toughest and longest run to
NF100, Singapore's most sadistic run :))
I survived NF100 to tell another pics’tory adeptly titled
NF 100: BRAGGING Time ;)
I will like to dedicate this story to all the loonies aka 神+2 in this crazy race, see u next year??
Enjoyed the PAIN.
(photo credit to Siongsan)Can You Endure? Macritche Reservoir 24 October 2009, 6.30amRun2eat: one 100km solo, five team of 100km duo =10 loonies and 1 神
Your most handsome team, run2eat team BW. William don't seem to agree. but i call the shot
(Told you I was shameless)
This is the actual most handsome team, run2eat team EL
Could we have 2nd opinion? Vote for botak… 不错leh;)
This was what they called pre-race warm up – poetry in motion
Let the race begin
Oi! no flying allowed! We were supposed to run, walk or crawl
Bt Timah 14 km, with this type of descend, used your imagination how we got up here in the first place?
Freddy Yeoh, our 100km solo 神。。, look at dat yummy long pair of legs^-^
3 young men topping up fuel at our gasoline station@Chestnut Ave (15km)
2 even younger men taking a break.
2 young cars cooling their radiators at gasoline station
More cars pulling in at gasoline station.
Yoz!, Huang Qiang our China friend doing 100km solo, 神, 膜拜。
Wow-sar, “chio bu” also do 100km solo, salute 向女神。。敬礼!
Capt Roger leaving gasoline station, now where were that 2 FAT handsome guys ?
Announcing the arrival of the FAT car…co-driver 泥在那里ah?
"Aiyoh co-driver dat is the wrong gasoline station"
Still had runner behind us, haha ....(Azhar got the last laugh when he trashed us in the end)
Welcomed to 9km of hill 265…
I tot daytime was for day-dreaming, how come got nightmare one?救命啊!!!!!!!!!
The ascend at Hill 265
Even flying fox by now “pie-kah” liow!!
Steeper and steeper …now I “sukar” airport.
those ascends were becoming *&%$#@ sadistic and yuhong was still smiling,either he was a tough nut or the hills had made him gone NUT!!!

We saw one, when we met Mohan @ 29km inside the NF Volvo Q60 sweeper car, he was hallucinating, he was going : ” I’m test driving Volvo lah…”.Poor thing, now we knew what hill 265 can do to a strong man ;))
This was the strong n sane mohan at the start of the race ;))
Big thank you to the volunteers', the back-bone of all races
38km, even strong men were down to walking
By now, you can forget about running…you would be glad still standing
The sight that always make my adrenalin flows
The sigh that make all runners (male species) blood flows ;))
Our team champ, TK in 7:18
Li Bin. movie star finishing ( 7:34)
Chan Hua (8:48) “玩臭” got porter to carry his hydration bag at the end.
Freddy , still fresh after completing 100km in 14h19m
This also Freddy, not that "fresh" after 50km (8:50)
Despite massive muscle cramps, shao chong persevered (8:53).
(Photo credit to Siongsan)Well done junior!
This picture looks familiar? Hahahaha home sweet home
Our NF100 results
100km soloPosition 9 Freddy Yeoh 14h:19m
100km duoPosition 57 Run2eat team EL – Li Bin 07:34, Li Ern 07:37
Position 86 Run2eat team KH – Teck Khing 07:18, Chan Hwa 08:48
Position 195 Run2eat team SY – Yu Hong 07:51, Shao Chong 08:53
Run2eat team CR – Calvin 08:40, Roger retired @ 37km
Run2eat team BW – Botak 08:50, William retired @ 40km
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