Confession done, back to business! If you remember, at SCSM 2008 which I completed in 5:03, I lamented about "for a few minutes more". So SCSM 09 was meant to get that sub 5hr cert to hang on my wall. Due to many reasons aka excuses, on the night before SCSM 09 after another mega carbo-loading session, I tot it was a great idea to play safe and lower target time to 5.30hr. So on race day, I wore the TFM 5.30 pace band proudly on my right wrist and it turn out to be on the wrong runner. The first 35km, I was still within pace, but alas had to pay back with interests during the last 7 km and completed in SCSM 09 in 5:38:12 :((
My 5.30 pace time
05km 0:39:06/0:36:01
10km 1:18:12/1:10:07
15km 1:57:18/1:50:23
20km 2:36:24/2:23:36
25km 3:15:31/3:04:37
30km 3:54:37/3:49:37
35km 4:33:43/4:33:02
40km 5:12:49/5:22:55
42.195km 5:30:00hr/ 5:38:12 hr
With the completion of the 2009 Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon, Botak had discovered a new thoery that is greater then Newton's apple thoery. Being a selfless person, Botak gladly shared this new discovery with you. You read it here first @ run2eat blog
Who ever said Marathon is a matter of mind over body was so Wrong. This is botak's new theory; M+FT=MM2
Marathon's Finish Time is a case of Mind over Matters = If you don't Mind, It doesn't Matters!
Thinking of changing our team name from team run2eat to team run2fatbird , but that will be another story:)))))
click for pixs of team run2eat gasoline station@26.5km 6.50am - 10.15am
to be continue.....
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