To tell the truth, I really don't know ;-) but thinking back, every time during a marathon, when the going gets tough especially after 30km, the thought of quitting never cross my mind. Was it due to with every heavy steps, I remind myself: "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional" I must say the thrill of the adrenalin rush always overwhelmed me after the race. The pain is worthwhile as I become a happier, more appreciative, more grateful person. In life there will inevitably always be pain, but you have the choice to either continue carrying the burdens or break free and leave the pain behind.
I will be doing the yellow ribbon prison run on 6 September 2009, which happens to be my birthday :). I am inviting all my friends to join, you can either run or walk. Please register at

Race Details
Date: Sunday, 6 September 09
Gathering Time: 7.00am
Flag Off Time: 7.30am for 10km
Guest-of-Honour: Mr Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister And Minister For Defence
Start Point: SAF Open Field, Farnborough Road (Near Changi Village)
End Point: Changi Prison Complex
Registration fee : early bird $25, normal $30
The inaugural Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 2009 is an iconic run that offers participants an opportunity to run through the Changi Prison Complex while passing through historical sites such as the Johore Battery, Changi Chapel Museum and Old Changi Prison Wall. Finishing off at the new Changi Prison Complex, participants will see the development of a new generation prison designed to cater to the security and rehabilitation needs of the prisoners. Going Beyond the Run, it is about giving ex-offenders a second chance to start afresh and conveying the message that what matters most is not about the fall, but how one gets up that counts.
Yes, in life what matters most is not how, where, why you fall? It’s about how one gets up!
This run will be Botak’s Yellow Ribbon Challenge to support Hanniel's Challenge, "Running the Extra Mile"10k48 Challenge by Reformed Ex- offender.
This is how Botak’s Yellow Ribbon Challenge works :
- I will shave full BOTAK ala our dearest Mohan
for this run.
- 10K48? I am not that fast, but I will strive for 10K58. ( botak born year 58!!)
- I will pledge $1,000 to the yellow ribbon fund.
- For any team run2eat runner who also goes full botak for this run, I will pledge $1,000 on your behalf.
- My friends, please make a pledge too, no amount is too small, it is the heart that matter.
- All monies raise go to the Yellow Ribbon Fund 10K48 challenge
I am counting on your support, do a good cause and make a pledge. You can hand me your pledge in cash or you can write your personal cheque payable to “Yellow Ribbon Fund” and indicate on the back of the cheque, your full name, NRIC number and “10K48 Challenge”.
All donations to Yellow Ribbon Fund will be given 2.5 times tax deduction
I am pleased that my good friends, Patrick Peng, Peter Poh and Vincent Teo, William Tay have agreed to join the run and they each pledged $500 to the Botak’s 10K58 Challenge. Thank you very much! It is a good start, we had a base of $3,000, can I see more? I hope to raise at least $10,000 for the yellow ribbon fund. For those friends who can't join me in this iconic run, can I humbly ask you to contribute at least $30 to this challenge?
Thank you very much
There is no better time to start running than right now!
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.'
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