Yellow Ribbon Prison Run

An iconic run that offers participants an opportunity to run through the Changi Prison Complex while passing through historical sites.....
Registration fee : $25 for 10km
The inaugural Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 2009 is an iconic run that offers participants an opportunity to run through the Changi Prison Complex while passing through historical sites such as the Johore Battery, Changi Chapel Museum and Old Changi Prison Wall. Finishing off at the new Changi Prison Complex, participants will see the development of a new generation prison designed to cater to the security and rehabilitation needs of the prisoners. Going Beyond the Run, it is about giving ex-offenders a second chance to start afresh and conveying the message that what matters most is not about the fall, but how one gets up that counts.
A scenic route - tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree...
Stretch from Abingdon Road to Cosford Road- Undulating terrain
Attractions along the routeChangi Chapel and Museum

Sunday 6 September 2009, Yellow Ribbon Prison Run
Sunday, 6 September 2009, Botak's Birthday
2008, Thanks for doing 5050 .
2009, Botak invitation : Lets do the YRPR , a run that symbolic breaking free from our own prison.
William, Shao Chong and botak wanna Break Free.... how about you?? For only $25, and a casual 10km Sunday morning, we can do it!
While we run, do our bit for charity, the amount doesn't matter, it is the heart!
Support Hanniel and his 10K48 challenge @
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