highlights of last sat run.
http://tuagulan.googlepages.com/home pictures of run courtesy of ah bay (our rookie camera man)

AWOL : alvin, willie
MC : ah ang, ah bay and zhao ming
due to some hiccups, run started off at 11.30pm. happily being a sweeper at the back made my first half of the run easy. to make the water point more visible we brought it 500m ahead at the junction of changi ferry terminal( also shortened our run by 1 km) sam never learned to sing "running on a saturday night" so he made it up by buying durian, yes D24 durian to help us turbo charge our tired legs. thanks to our hardworking watermen, sam and ah bay. I suggested next run, they can go mobile by cycling around the route; they can also moonlight as ice cream man.
I was going for sub 4 hrs, but alas was down to walking pace for the last 2 km. Nevertheless still very happy with 4hrs 15m finish. we do have quite a few fast runners but they "pang chek" after 22 kms
run result
andrew (3h10m)
william (3h20m)
andrea (4h, muscle cramp??)
calvin (4h5m, slept halfway, yes he was too tired that he took a rest in one of the hut)
ah chen (but he ran only the return route, chin chai lah count him in)
vincent (out tallest and longest legs runner, pang chek @ 25km)
ah hoo
toby (surrender @ 25km)
alan (white flag @ 15km)
billy (white mailto:flag@15km)
patrick (commendable to complete 15km)
mr and mrs edwin (MIA. why? ran past hawer centre and decided to have supper?)
to my dear runners and those absentees, from the above result it is loud and clear that we need to built up our endurance in order to complete the full 42.195kms. i am suggesting a re-run @ 9pm this sat night (this will also fulfill sam's dream of selling ice cream @ ECP/PCN)
Next run 30 kms (u can turn back anytime, but please 'tong' to finish)
Sat, 26 apr ECP Mac
8.30 pm warm up
9.00 pm run starts
so far confirmed runners are
ah chan
ah tan
ah hoo
ah wah
i hope all of you will turn up, as an incentive i have prepared a pair of i-pure marathon sock worth $38 for all those who complete this trail within 4 hrs. This mother of all marathon socks will make your long run like a stroll in the park.you can wear it before the run, free if you complete within 4hrs, or esle pay up. socks worn are not returnable!!
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