Never an iphone follower, i waited in anticipation for the launch of the first Google open handset alliance Android phone, but with this T mobile G1 by HTC, all i can say is the first "peek" make me wanna "pee"
There must be a conspirarcy, go to the HTC.com and the G1 catch lines : Funnerer, Smarterer and Connecteder. Yeserer, very catcherer, very funkerer. while you are still at it, for more marketing puncherer, why don't adds Uglyerer, Laugherer and Cheapoerer.
6 in one better then 3!!!
The knock out punch was delivered in the intro movie...
The most exiciting phone
in the history of phones......
The first phone powered by google..........
The only phone that makes you ........... Peesssssssssssssss
Minesosoft must be glads that Zune finally has a twin brother. Someone high up in the apple tree must be ROTLFLTAOL. Are we sure this is the same HTC that gave us the stylish Touch Diamond and Touch Pro?

Give me a break, the world needs an angel!
Q : how can an angel swim? A : An Angel fish lah.
But at the mean time I need to go to pee and poo.
Read what BusinessWeek said......
T-Mobile unviels the $199 G1, the first handset equipped with Google's "Android" software, is more than just the culmination of a highly hyped campaign, it also represents a coming-out party of sorts for phone maker HTC, which has remained relatively anonymous despite manufacturing one out of every six smartphones sold in the U.S.
T-Mobile unviels the $199 G1, the first handset equipped with Google's "Android" software, is more than just the culmination of a highly hyped campaign, it also represents a coming-out party of sorts for phone maker HTC, which has remained relatively anonymous despite manufacturing one out of every six smartphones sold in the U.S.
The Google Android Phone's Big Premiere
T-Mobile unveils its HTC-built G1, the first mobile phone based on software from the Google-led Open Handset Alliance
by Olga Kharif
In the most anticipated mobile-phone launch since the release of Apple's iPhone, the T-Mobile G1 was unveiled Sept. 23.
T-Mobile unveils its HTC-built G1, the first mobile phone based on software from the Google-led Open Handset Alliance
by Olga Kharif
In the most anticipated mobile-phone launch since the release of Apple's iPhone, the T-Mobile G1 was unveiled Sept. 23.
Like the iPhone, unveiled in June 2007, the G1 is the brainchild of one of tech's most innovative companies; it's the first phone boasting the Android software created by a Google (GOOG)-led consortium. Like Apple's music-playing handset, the G1 features a full Web browser and connects to the Internet with Wi-Fi technology. G1 similarly boasts a large touchscreen and lets users download games and tools from an online bazaar akin to the Apple App Store.
That's about where the similarities end. The G1 is to follow a different path from the Apple (AAPL) iPhone in some crucial ways, notably volume growth. G1 is expected to do well, though it may not replicate the iPhone's early successes.
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