Few reminders for Saturday marathon.
1) Don't bring your wallet, just put some money in a zip lock plastic bag,
2) Try to take public transport, if u drive, tie your key to your shoe lace.
2) Bring a long sleeve T or wind breaker, it is cold at the beach during the night, u can leave it at our gazebo when u run.
i guess we are all motivated and ready for the marathon. Due to business commitments or personal matters, a few runners had to withdraw from sundown marathon. Let's hope to see them in December Standchart Mara. sundown , we will run for them - he aint heavy, he's my brother.
Are you ready to ditch your big hair for the marathon? they are so passe. Go "botak" to power up your star quotient and do your bit for charity, not look like "rambo with the big hair.
just an update on our charity drive, so far we have pledge
1) $10,000 to Singapore Red Cross
2) $10,800 to a needy family in Singapore (with william personally topping another $7,800)
We are pledging another $10,000 to Sichuan Earthquake fund thru singapore red cross.
For every finisher, u raise $2,000. For every "botak" runner, u raise an additional $500. We are counting on your support
Attached are the final runners list ;
84.39 km Ultra Marathon
1) Ah Hoo
2) Ah Wah
42.195 km Marathon
1) Ah Tan
2) Allan Kwek
3) Ang Eng Yeow (botak runner)
4) Andrew Yong (botak runner)
5) Andrea Yong
6) Bay Eng Seng
7) Chan Ming Tat
8) Calvin Chua
9) Edwin Chionh (botak runner)
10) Elton Chew (botak runner)
11) Franklin Tan
12) Freddy Sim (botak runner)
13) Gary Theh
14) Huang Zhao Ming (botak runner)
15) Jennifer Foo
16) Mag Yong
17)Nick Soon
18)Patrick Peng
19) Peter Poh
20)Sim Li Bin (botak runner)
21) Sim Li Ern ( botak runner )
22) Sim Shao Chong (botak runner ??)
23 )Tan Kong Chee
24 )Toby Lim
25 )Vincent Teo (botak runner)
26 )William Tay (botak runner)
27 ) Willie Chan
In golfer magazine, they always like to feature "what's in my bag", I like to share with you my running X file .
My Running Supplements
left to right, Glucosomine cream, Glucosomine tablet, glutamine (for muscle building), 3rd Gen Calcium
My Running Gears
Adidas Singlet, Muzino Short, Ebene knee guard, i-pure sock, red and blue Asics Kayano shoes
My Running Companions
Adidas Fuel Belt, Garmin 305 Pro runner watch, Deep Heat Muscle spray, Zheng Gu Lotion, Power Gel.
Rest well, we have a date on Saturday Night.
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