4 more weeks, are you ready?
I had survived Mt. Kinabalu and i am pleased to share with you the experience in pictures http://picasaweb.google.com/sgh2222/2008_05_01_mt_kinabalu#

The climb completed my awakening to a new me. I feel younger, happier, stronger and looking to life in a total new spectrum.
i plan another 30km run on this friday night, this will be our last long run before mara, we need to slacken down to be in good shape for sundown..
30 kms (ECP Mac-Changi Beach Park - ECP Mac)
8 pm, Friday, 10th May
8.00pm warm up @ track beside 7/11
8.30 pm run starts
Joseph is our volunteer water man@ changi beach park, he was also game enough to shave off his hair yesterday in support of our marathon. kudos to joseph. you can get his autograph this friday night

i can't help but to be concerned- how many can complete the marathon as this will affect the $ pledge. so to keep up the spirit, this is the "botak" challenge.
But first let me tell you about the virtuous of "botak" head
1) You definitely look younger and fresher
2) don't need wax and shampoo mean you save $ and also more eco-friendly
3) a masculine charm with new found inner strength
4) you feel fearless to the extend of shameless
5) In the event you look really bad! 1 month later, you will be your old self, so what's the worry??
And here is the deal, for every runner that go botak for the marathon, I will donate an additional $500 per head. For the 2 ultra marathoners, i up the ante to $2,000 per head. Ah Hoo and Ah Wa, you hear me??
Back to charity, I am pleased to announce that $10,000 had been donated to Singapore Red Cross, SRC is a non-political, non-religious humanitarian movement that raises its own funds to serve humanity and further the work of Red Cross locally and internationally.
Another $10,800 is earmark to help a very low income singapore family with 3 young schooling children to cover their educational and daily expenses. William (one of our runner who also pledge to go botak) has volunteered to administer the proceed, he also pledge $7,200 personally to make it a total of $18,000 that will be distributed in 36 monthly payment of $500/month to the family.
I would like to thank you guys for your support to make all this happen, I am grateful, “kum-seah"
to all my friends running or not, i say :
有头发就。。。。剪啦!怕啥?? 一个月后又是条好汉。
see you this friday night
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